Monday, December 28, 2009

Ye Olde Homestead

(written by my youngest brother Lee for my birthday)

Upon ye olde homestead,
where once three kinga did dwell,
now liveth our loving parents alone,
Larry and Liz, I do tell.

Now upon ye olde homestead,
many animals were found,
cats, dogs, chickens and pigs,
intriguing were the sights and sounds.

When once upon the homestead,
three children were raised,
through Rosenfeld, Parkside & Miller,
were spent our formative days.

'Twas on ye olde homestead,
even arguments were had,
for when young Lyndon and Lee got together,
young LaDawn could found to be mad.

Alas, such immature days are past,
and, oh, how glad is the young lass,
for if the lads had not grown up,
a trip home LaDawn might pass.

Oh, what memories lie upon ye olde homestead,
many a struggle, many a tear,
yet not so many as of late it seems,
what a difficult year.

Yet lose heart, we do not,
for we know the Lord worketh all things well,
so we do not give up or give in,
for they will not prevail, the gates of hell.

Nay, we look unto the hills,
whence our help comes from,
and upon such places as ye olde homestead,
we can be found to come.

For upon ye olde homestead,
a warm, safe place is found,
without fear and without judgement,
a place where one can even wrestle a hound.

It is upon ye olde homestead,
not the homestead itself,
where memories lie deep,
found in books, in rooms, on shelves.

At the cease of the day,
upon ye olde homestead,
a great heritage can be cherished,
for we have been blessed.. the Word of God is there read.

Ye olde homestead represents a legacy,
left by Mother and Father,
one in which we will share with others,
something with which we will bother.

For at the end of time,
what will the Siemens' be remembered for?
Money, education, sports?
Or something much more?

Something much more, it is to be sure,
for not a day has gone by,
where by the love of God,
together were we tied.

We go forth, then, empowered, encouraged, loved,
to go forth and do the same,
for it is upon the Lord Jesus Christ we are found;
we are saved through His name.

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce