Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You've Got Mail

I don't know about you, but I LOVE getting mail! It's a little piece of heaven in the midst of bills and flyers and it always brightens my day. Sometimes, I live on its high for weeks! It's the idea that someone went through all their pretty stationary or special cards (or picked up a scrap of paper) and then found a fancy pen in a fun color (or just a regular good ol' blue Bic) and sat down for a few moments in their busy life to think about me. I guess an email is kind of the same idea, but really, it's not (though I do love getting them, don't get me wrong!). The date was noted (or not) and so it starts "Dear LaDawn. . ." Whether mundane life or exciting adventures, the topic itself is not nearly as important as the fact that someone thought of me enough to do something about that thought. The letter or card is signed, stuffed, sealed and stamped before heading out into the great unknown of our global postal systems. Will it make it? - you never really know. And it does not matter if this precious package has traveled across town or around the globe - I treasure it and reread it. . .waiting only for the next special piece of mail to arrive.

1 comment:

  1. Truth in every sentence... it doesn't really matter what you say, who's it for, whether is printed or handwriting ... it's all about the effort putted towards the fact of writing to someone you care.

    Is the back and forth that make this all exiting, is the same feeling when you're going to the post office to send your letter as when you open your mail box when you get home and there's is one for you... WOW those precious seconds tasting like heaven.

    Two words are always there and is all you need to know someone cares for you... two words, the first and the last: DEAR, you... LOVE, me.


ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce