Monday, August 16, 2010

I Shall No Longer Ask Myself. . .

"I shall no longer ask myself if this or that is expedient, but only if it is right.

I shall do this, not because I am noble or unselfish,
but because life slips away,
and because I need for the rest of my journey a star that will not play false to me,
a compass that will not lie.

I shall do this, because I cannot find it in me to do anything else.

I am lost when I balance this against that,
I am lost when I ask if this is safe,
I am lost when I ask if men will approve.

Therefore I shall try to do what is right, and to speak what is true."

Alan Paton
Cry, The Beloved Country

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce