Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dinner Guest #1

In no particular order, I will start with my only living guest - Nelson Mandela.  I think that you will see a common theme in all of my dinner guests - they did not wait idly by for someone else to do something about their situation, they themselves affected change.  There's something to be said Mandela had fought against apartheid and racism, but he did so much more than that.  In "Long Walk to Freedom", he continually writes about winning over those who had oppressed them for so long.  And it was not to tolerate them or win them over to the other side, but to truly find common ground for peace, dignity and respect for all.  I would be honored to have Nelson Mandela as a dinner guest and to hear what continued to push him to fight for a South Africa's freedom.


  1. Hey Sis, You must really LOVE this country. You comment on it and it's people all the time.... but you know what? We LOVE you too. Miss you!! When are you coming back to SA. Sunday lunch at Ma's house is just not the same. We need that canadian touch.

    Take care, LOVE you lots
    Clint, Manuela, Sandra, Brent, Michelle & especially Celina

  2. I do LOVE South Africa, but that's because I met such WONDERFUL people out there! Ah, and Sunday lunch at Ma's house sounds great - I'll try to get back soon!


ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce