Friday, May 28, 2010

My First Jolica Home Party

My friend Leanne graciously hosted my first Jolica home party tonight and I, for one, had a blast. It's always great to catch up with her kids - just the regular interrogation questions over supper like "Do you still live with your parents?" and "Are you married?" Hey, at least I look younger than their mom (ha, ha!)! And then my chance to share about Jolica and their fair trade products - so much fun. Of course, parties are really about getting together and eating great food! Leanne makes fantastic food and she shares her recipes on her blog (and yes, we did eat the Rice Krispie Caramel Squares featured today):


  1. THANKS for pointing out that my son thinks I look older than you! ha ha!

    Thanks again for coming out and doing a fabulous job at introducing us to Jolica. I love how you not only talk about the issues facing people around the world, but showing us how we can make a difference.

  2. Seriously, the age thing is just that people still think I'm 20 and who wants to be 20 when we already know better!?!


ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce