Saturday, October 16, 2010

Heroes Recognized

This has been a roller-coaster kind of week.  After working the day shift at the woman's shelter, I had something up every evening but Friday.  Two of those evenings, as I blogged about the other day, were trips into Winnipeg, attending human trafficking events.  A good week but emotionally draining week.

Tonight was a chance to recognize some of Canada's unsung heroes in the human trafficking fight.  I too want to recognize them here for their tireless efforts in the enormous fight against a vulgar and insidious crime that has been overlooked for far too long.  Former RCMP officer Brian McConaghy talked about his RCMP work and Ratanak International ( working in Cambodia.  Natasha Falle ( and Timea Nagy (Memoirs of a Sex Slave Survivor) are both former prostitutes, trafficked across Canada (Falle) and Hungary (Nagy), who are now giving human trafficking not only a voice, but a face and a name.  Grand Chief Ron Evans became aware of the issue of trafficking 2 years ago, hearing the staggering statistics of aboriginal people that are trafficked in Canada, and knew that he also had to lend his voice and push for change.  Tamara Cherry is a reporter (affectionately known as the "pimp finder" in Toronto, so much so that the police come to her for help) for the Toronto Sun and she has put trafficking in the spotlight in a radical way.

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce