Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sex God

The latest book on our reading list is "Sex God" by Rob Bell and I highly recommend you read it. It looks at the connections between sexuality and spirituality. I just finished it, but I want to read it again - I underlined a lot, so I just want to go back through it and really solidify the interesting points. If you have already read it, please let me know your thoughts. Our speaker from this past week was addressing a totally different topic, but it was so interesting to note how many times his lecture and the book overlapped in common topics. His basic premise is "Our sexuality, then, has two dimensions. First, our sexuality is our awareness of how profoundly we're severed and cut off and disconnected. Second , our sexuality is all of the ways we go about trying to reconnect." (p. 40) He discusses various aspects of who we are, issues of lust, love, sex and children.


  1. I've read it. Don't remember much about it, though. Except that he talked about John and June Cash and their love.

  2. Of course you would remember that! You should read it again - this might be a good time.

  3. Right now I am reading "Trading Places" by Parrott and Parrott. Talks about the concept of empathy. Really good stuff.


ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce