Monday, August 20, 2012

The Dance of. . .

I made the decision to see my counselor for fewer sessions over the summer, partly to break up routine and partly to give myself a little break.  She did suggest some books to read and I thought that was a great idea since there would be less counseling and I should have the time to read over the summer break.  I had to get over the idea that the books were about 25 years old, but nonetheless, have been great reads and have amazing and useful ideas for myself.  I read "The Dance of Intimacy" first and I just started "The Dance of Anger" (her original bestseller).  The basic premise is that we are in a patterned dance in regards to the relationships we have in our lives - we make a move and that affects the other person's next move and so on.  The books are written for women but I'm sure they provide a lot of insight for men as well.  Harriet Lerner is the author and I highly recommend that you check them out.

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce