Monday, October 8, 2012

Gratitude ~ Louie Schwartzberg

I know that I just posted this a little while ago, but I thought it was appropriate to post it again as Canada celebrates Thanksgiving Day today.  Even if it's not Thanksgiving where you live, may it be a day to give thanks for your many blessings!

"And so I wish that you would
open your heart to all these blessings
and let them flow through you
that everyone whom you will meet
on this day will be blessed by you.

Just by your eyes;
by your smile;
by your touch;
just by your presence.

Let the gratefulness overflow
into blessing all around you.
And then it will really be a good day."

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce