Monday, July 16, 2012

Creation & Humanity

"The world is not as it should be."

That was one of the opening lines from yesterday's sermon at church.  This summer we are going through a series called "Confessions:  Echoes of the Divine Truth".  Each week we are looking at topics of faith, as broad as those universal to Christians around the world and as specific as those to our conference and church.  In the past 2 weeks we looked at God and the Revelation of God.  Yesterday's topic was the Creation and Humanity.  When you boiled it down, what we really talked about was stewardship.  Stewardship is not only how I use my money or take care of the things own, it's about caring for all of God's creation.  I blogged recently about going organic/local/fair trade this summer and so the sermon really resonated with me.  The pastor used the example of knowing how the animals were treated before they hit my plate.  And that God, creator of all things and giver of all good gifts, should be worshiped as we take a bite of food or as we bask in the warmth of the sun or smell the fresh rain or hold a child in our arms.

"Ultimately my lack of care for God's creation is about the sinfulness in my heart,
about my own self-centeredness."

I believe that God has created each of us with unique passions and gifts - it is our job to discover them and use them for His glory.  I also believe that my small acts of caring for what God has entrusted to me, whether by writing a cheque or giving of my time or picking up trash that's not mine, will add up to make a big impact on the world and will worship my Creator at the same time.

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce