Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Global Girlfriends

It was just over a year ago that I stumbled over the Global Girlfriend website ( and I was waiting for the Global Girlfriends book to come out in softcover.  It finally did a few months ago and it's taken me a while to finish it between sub days and moving, etc.  I highly recommend the book for those of you who have an interest in fair trade, especially as it pertains to women.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and I learned a lot from it.  I will be using some of Stacey's information when I make Jolica presentations in the future, for example:

"And women are the backbone of the global economy.  According to the United Nations Development Fund for Women, women do 66 percent of the world's work but earn only 10 percent of the income and own only 1 percent of the property."  (p. 3)

"Indeed, all too often people in developing countries and even in poor urban and rural America are limited not by their own capacity but by their opportunities. . .If you believe, as I do, that all people are created equal - with equal capacity to learn, earn, and live - then why are there vast divides on this small planet in people's income, health, and education?  Opportunities."  (p. 38)

"I often ask women [in America] what they would do if their income doubled tomorrow." [and then she continues to talk about what that means for women in developing countries]  (p. 50)

"And since in the United States 85 percent of all brand purchases are made by women [and I'm guessing that the number is not much different for Canada], she who holds the purse strings really can change the world.  I saw Global Girlfriend as a step toward a new 'she-conomy.'"  (p. 51)

"If we have no peace,
it is because we have forgotten
that we belong to each other."
~Mother Teresa

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce