Sunday, June 10, 2012


Since completing my second teaching term of the school year in April, it's been a busy few weeks.  Out of the 7 weeks since that term, I've had 5 solid weeks of substitute teaching (plus a few days in those 2 other weeks) - something I have not experienced while subbing before and for which I am incredibly grateful!  I also moved (from one basement suite to another in the same community) about a month ago and continue to sort through my boxes of stuff.

The new basement where I'm living has my own entrance (shared entrance before) and an oven (hotplate before) - definitely advantages!  On the other hand, now I only have a shower (shower and bathtub before) and I have 2 small windows to view the outside world (the old basement was only 1/2 way into the ground, so the windows I did have were much larger).

When I move (which has happened a lot in my life), I try to make the place feel like home as quickly as I can.  I like to have a few plants around and my plants were not doing that well at the old place.  Even though I only have 2 small windows now, they have a nice space where I decided to put my plants so that they might enjoy the little sunlight I get.  It's amazing how they have flourished in this last month, given the sunlight they are soaking in - instead of just surviving, they are thriving.

And in many ways, that's what I feel about where I am in life right now.  I had a talk with God a few months ago as I was walking home from church one Sunday.  I told Him that I would try to establish some roots (some shallow, others deeper) in my community even without a year term of teaching (or a permanent job - what in the world does that feel like anyway?!?).  As I stepped out in faith, trusting that He would provide, He has proven faithful.  I have had great opportunities for housing - though more importantly, I've met really great people to rent from.  And the same can be said about so many other aspects of my life:  work, yoga, counseling, church. . .that are all important, but even more important are the people that I'm meeting and the relationships that I'm building.  Blooming where I am planted. . .thriving instead of just surviving.

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce