Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On Earth as it is In Heaven?

Day 4
Our connection to the earth is more than just the resources we consume. The costs of eating a tomato, chicken, or cow are more than calories or dollars and cents, but include the impact of its production, processing, packaging, transportation, and disposal on the rest of God's Creation. Was the air, soil, and water left richer or poorer for its cultivation? Choices we make now affect the present and future generations' ability to feed themselves. At this unprecedented moment in history the world population and available natural resources are ostensibly at odds, and we in Canada fall squarely into the category of the ones taking more than our fair share. Changing climates here and across the oceans are a signal that we simply cannot continue to live this way, and live up to the responsibility that God has given all of us.

Small change? Fast from food today as much as you are able. Do drink water, or if necessary, juice. Spend time in reflection with others or alone - outdoors if possible. Share a prayer for the hungry around the table over the supper hour.

Prayer: God who plants and reaps, inspire us to tread more lightly on the Earth. Genesis 1:26-31

Imagine a river that circles the globe 180 times. This is the amount of water it takes each year to produce the 7,000+ species of plants that are cultivated or harvested as food for the planet.

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce