Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The (Mennonite) Teacher in Me

I forgot to mention that part of my introduction yesterday included me saying that I'm a teacher. It was incredible how many people came up to me and said that I have the teacher stance and teacher voice (but they have yet to see my teacher stare!). I guess some things just will never change! I don't even know how I got those traits and I don't even realize that I have them, until people note it about me.

In getting to know other people, I've met a Mennonite guy (well, he's 1/2 Mennonite - a Friesen on his mom's side, from California). Of course, I've also talked about what being a Mennonite means (not just the food and low German) including our pacifistic beliefs.

Today we started into our lectures and this week we're studying how to hear and recognize the voice of God. It's really interesting to hear other people's opinions and beliefs. This evening we will have our first photography class. And just in case you think I'm just lying on the beach, soaking in the rays, I do have assignments and readings to do. . .so I should get running and do them!

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ESSE QUAM VIDERI - to be, rather than to appear
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."
~Robert W. Pierce